Ontario Provincial Police — Police in Ingersoll

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Ontario Provincial Police

Police at 110 Mutual Street, Ingersoll, ON N5C 1L4, Canada, Ingersoll, Ontario, N5C 1L4 . Here you will find detailed information about Ontario Provincial Police: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 8 reviews


110 Mutual Street, Ingersoll, ON N5C 1L4, Canada, Ingersoll, Ontario, N5C 1L4
N5C 1L4

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About Ontario Provincial Police

Ontario Provincial Police is a Canadian Police based in Ingersoll, Ontario. Ontario Provincial Police is located at 110 Mutual Street, Ingersoll, ON N5C 1L4, Canada,

Please contact Ontario Provincial Police using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Ontario Provincial Police opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Ontario Provincial Police

  • Gavin
    Added 2016.09.07
    Please review this an try to think of alternative ways of creating awareness and educating or re educating us rather then punitive agitation which is in my mind useless and a waste of everyone's time and energy. Thank you Ingersol O.P.P. for doing what your told by the county but also use your heads an try to think with your heads rather then your ticket books. I would rather go around I'm paid by the hour.
  • Joshua
    Added 2016.04.04
    Hello I am writing this in order for a better solution. I am a truck driver an work through an agency . I have over 10+ years experience and during the winter months drive semi for a living. My weekly income is approx 500 after taxes working through the agency , sometimes more sometimes less, but very close. During my first shift on a regular route that has been in existence for several years as I was on the last leg of my trip I was pulled into the fire hall in Thamesford by the O.P.P.
  • Emily
    Added 2016.04.04
    Was just sitting at the corner of King and Harris in Ingersoll and an opp car doing about 70 went through the stop sign without slowing down, no lights on or siren either. Why do they think they are above the law???
  • Alexander
    Added 2015.10.20
    The worst
  • Tyler
    Added 2015.09.25
    5 stars cause the rest are just people using the review system as a unofficial appeal forum lol
  • Seth
    Added 2015.03.20
    It's no wonder in Canada AZ drivers can't wait to get a better paying job an get into something more reputable. And all along in the bigger picture they are the ones greasing the wheels of the the country's economic growth.
  • Alyssa
    Added 2013.12.03
    I believe that there main focus should be about creating awareness .. an how is making an example of me .. a nobody in the trucking industry going to make a smidgen of difference. Rather then the internal people of the county hiring someone at say 20 dollars an hour they employ 2 O.P.P. Constable's to patrol these small areas at over 100k a year each. Sending information / message to all the owners then have them pass down proper instructions throughout there daily operations an Dispatch.
  • Evan
    Added 2013.06.30
    an the reason why was because I had in advertantly entered a weight restricted County Road . The road is a stretch that is approximately 2 kilometers an there is no way to avoid using once entered. The approach is from an Oxford County Road or Gore Rd which is non restricted. It was a simple mistake an rather then the giving me a warning to creating awareness I was sited tickets which summed just under my weekly wages. For years I have worked for many many different company's big an small. And all of them have said if your empty your okay. An for me to figure it out by being 800 kgs over with an empty trailer empty was agitating as hell. What other job on earth does this type of thing happen .. especially at this low end pay grade. Basically not enough money to move into my mother's basement.
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